Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Finally Found Someone...

In the midst of everything right from "Moments of sadness" to "eternal joy" or
From "stupid silly chatter" to "serious discussion "
Is a time.. where you look out for a person who guesses it all..
"All ..."
Your thoughts  when your pissed and want to runaway,
Your expressions of utter joy,
Your feelings of eternal content...
Thats the time when it feels....
"I Finally Found Someone.."

Howmuchever I try, its just difficult to put down in words those feelings, emotions, the happiness and satisfaction but its just beautifully and most realistically described by Bryan Adams and the bunch of most amazing lyricists..
At anytime of the day, in any weather.. this song creates the exact feeling of finding the perfect soulmate each time you listen to it...

What more can I say than..
"Oh, my favorite line was "Can I call you sometime?"
It's all you had to say
To take my breath away
This is it, oh, I finally found someone
Someone to share my life..."

I finally found "Someone.."

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Just Nothing..

Today again I went to the conferenece,it was the third day in a row.
Just three days and it already feels routine. People hype a lot of things, like I heard.."Its a national conference, its a great opportuinity to present your work there.. etc etc"

But it was just nothing with very few exceptions every single person was hogging on food, snacks.. or was wondering about the gifts they will receive at each stall arranged by sponsers.

At the end of the day, it just zeros down to Nothing..

Instead earlier while waiting at the train station for my friend, standing there with the mp3 plugged in and coffee in hand.. The world felt all so different, every single person around was busy heading somewhere.. Have you tried guessing what these people must be thinking.. the corporate workers, the workers at station, the coffee vendor, the couples lost in thier own sweet world or the children with the most innocent thoughts..

It feels..just nothing but.. Awesome, simply awesome
Life feels alive in all such moments..
Enjoy the world around you..